Dagny Peach Writing

Original Stories and Random Thoughts



Posted By on Sep 15, 2018

Welcome to Dagny Peach Writing, A.K.A. Dagny Writes! It is here that I will publish articles, both fictional and informational, for the first time, and I’m proud to share them!

Will be glad to reply to you in the comments of the articles if you have anything to say as well! =)

Also, keep an eye on the Informational category for news! I bring news


— Dagny

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Glade of a Winter’s Moon

Glade of a Winter’s Moon

Posted By on Dec 18, 2023

This is a December project (started 2023) and the more elaborate successor of Dappled Aerie.

The glittering snow held a strange, almost bitter chill to it, even despite its glory; even while the rest of the night was silent, eerily dark, all that Lysaphia could focus on was the glowing feather.

A feather of gold it was.

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This is a worldbuilding accompaniment for the stories Dappled Aerie and Glade of a Winter’s Moon, both of which are December exclusive holiday tales unique to Dagny Peach Writing.

Alihairis (demonym: Alihairian)
The kingdom of Alihairis is a vast expanse of forested highlands and fjords, with mountains around its northern coastal borders and a calm meadow near the center of the landmass. There are a total of nine villages, save the capital city; Rauheroia makes for a tenth settlement in Alihairis.

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Posted By on Dec 1, 2023

Benvenuto a Dagny Peach Writing, anche noto come Dagny Writes! Questo (e) la categoria per storie nella lingua italiana, sebbene sto imparando italiano e ho una tastiera inglese. Grazie per visitare questo umile sito!


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Posted By on Nov 30, 2023

Bienvenue à Dagny Peach Writing, aussi connu comme Dagny Writes! C’est un catégorie pour histoires en langue français, bien que je parle anglais comme mon premiére langue. Merci pour visiter!

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Sobre | El Sitio

Posted By on Nov 30, 2023

El sitio empezó en el quince de septiembre, 2018, y es el sitio de mis escribiendos. En la futura, escribiré en más lenguajes; mi lenguaje primero es inglés, y lo siento por las problemos con escribiendos aquí. ¡Gracias para visitar el sitio de Dagny Peach Writing, también conocidas a llamo Dagny Writes!

{Estoy aprendiendo español ahora, perdón mi escribiendos. Hablo español muy poco y tengo un teclado de inglés.}

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Myres of Dusk

Posted By on Nov 17, 2023

“Stay wary.”

The three remained silent, looking over the valley before them, relatively safe in the clandestine heights of the mountain; however, as shadows swarmed over the valley below with an almost uniform pattern, each of them started to grow ever so slightly solicitous.
With every distortion, there was a slight rumble.

A slight sound that tripled each individual’s fear with every second that was to pass.

“Notice how the shadows come and go.”

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Queen of the Dawn

Queen of the Dawn

Posted By on Nov 16, 2023

The rain began to fall just as the young girl arrived.

The valley village had never seen such a downpour, yet, of course, nor had it seen a day so close to the brink of war, either.

The girl dismounted off of her horse, as the steed darted off to the side.


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Bugs and Glitches?

Posted By on Nov 16, 2023

This may be important information, especially if you’ve encountered any of these glitches here before.

(May also be a notice to Dad.)

I’ve noticed a few glitches and bugs on here, but I haven’t figured most out yet; I shall be soon! =P
Here’s what I’ve seen thus far:

  • Some characters on older posts are replaced with random accented letters and currency signs. This is a system glitch that I unfortunately can only solve by going in and fixing all of it manually. Let me know if you spot any of these, and I’ll fix them! (You can use the comments of this post for this.)
  • Sometimes on specific platforms (i.e Chromebooks), typing in the URL will instead result in an “invalid” notification. I’ve already Googled the cause of this; it’s apparently across WordPress. If this happens to you, just try again later or switch devices if you can. =’)

If you find any other glitches/bugs you’re curious about, please let me (and Dad) know in the comments of this post!

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Covering the Future #5

Covering the Future #5

Posted By on Nov 16, 2023

That wasn’t a hiatus, I promise! I’ve just been working on a bunch of multiple-thousand-word drafts and I’m still not done with anything. =’D

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