Division: The Temper Fell; S1 E1 (Hospitality-Taking Care of Life the Bunny)

Posted By Dagny on Nov 17, 2018 | 0 comments

“Stunt time!” Blia shouted as she climbed up the Spring Village Tree. “Stunt Day is awesome.” She got ready to jump, then Olivia ran over and said: “Taylor has the green beans! She’s bringing them back to Spring Village from Autumn Village.” Blia  turned her head in the direction, and saw a dilemma.  Taylor was coming. Anna, who was behind her, blindfolded, pushed Blia over. “TAYLOR!” Olivia shouted! “Whoa!!!”

Taylor awoke on a tree. She looked down and said, “That must’ve been a dream.” But it sure was real. She looked up, screamed, and tried scurrying up the tree. The problem was, her leg was bandaged. “Taylor, you woke!” a voice shouted from above. It was Lia! “Where am I?” Taylor asked her. She responded, “Oh, you’re in Autumn Village. Blia jumped on you and accidentally broke your leg, and she also accidentally knocked you unconscious…” Taylor looked down at her bandaged leg. “I am sure you did… ok I forgot. Lia, how’d I get here?” Lia told her the story. “Blia jumped on you, breaking your leg and knocking you unconscious. I heard the news, so did Leigh. The Spring Village doctor said everybody who breaks a bone needs cold weather to heal. Leigh volunteered to bring you to her village, but Olivia said, ‘It’s too brutal to bring a Spring Villager to Winter Village.’ Evelyn asked, “What about Autumn Village?” and Doc yelled, ‘Sure2!!’ So we brung you here, took a dip in the Curing Water, poured some on you so you’d heal in faster time (three days) and brung you to stay on the Royal Tree.” Evelyn was down below. “Be our guest!” she shouted, and Taylor blushed. “Now that I know how I came to stay in Autumn Village, what to do after breakfast? We usually plant veggies.” Evelyn told her all about Autumn culture. “We harvest. Wanna come?” “Ok… is it like planting?” Taylor asked. “Oh, (right). We’ll teach you it all.” They harvested, harvested, and harvested.  Taylor met with Lia on a bridge over the water between Autumn Village and Spring Village. Taylor spoke first. “Is it OK if I come here at sunset every day I’m here?” Lia accepted the idea. “Sure! I know you’re not from here. We’ll give you time. We know you miss your village.” Taylor thanked, “Lia, thank you. I just wish I was in Spring Village. As you predicted, I miss my home. I’m homesick. No offense, your place is beautiful.” None taken,” she responded, ” I know how you feel,”she informed Taylor, “during the war, once, Autumn Village was unsafe. I was a kid. I was brought over, since Autumn Village was a battlefield,” her eyes filled with tears, ” I stayed at Winter Village for a month. When I came to the tiny amount of mountains that separate one quarter of Winter Village from one quarter of Autumn Village, I started to cry. I ran into the mountains, back home. Turns out it was a trick. I was super angry, at my ‘mom’, who captured my real mom, sent me away, and I made my first royal decision, which was to SAVE AUTUMN VILLAGE. My mom realized it was time for me to step up to Chief.” Taylor was amazed. “You fell for that?!” she asked. “She was disguised as my Mom, I trust Mom,” Lia responded. “I obviously fell for it.” Taylor looked over to Spring Village, and she felt a lump in her throat, as if she was about to cry. “I’m gonna go back to the Royal Tree,” she told Lia, “I might just cry if I didn’t.”

The next day

“Taylor? Taylor? Tae-Tae? Where are you?” Lia asked. “Up here, making something,” Taylor replied, “You’ll try it when it’s done, since I can’t.” Lia climbed up to the top of the Royal Tree and gasped. Taylor was making a flier!!! “Whoa!!! OK, I’ll be FINE,” she said while she brung out a bunch of gear. “I can’t get hurt as well.” Taylor stared at Lia, and shouted, “Whoa! You must have stress disorder to get THAT geared up!” “I actually do. I fell in a Summer Village Tree from this one,” she informed her. Taylor replied, “You must’ve had a hard childhood.” Once Lia geared up, she tested the flier. Turns out she fell in a Winter Village Tree! On her HEAD! “Good thing I wore my helmet!” she shouted, (actually it was more like, “GOOD THING I WORE MY HELMET!!!”) Taylor laughed. After Lia got back, the group went to have breakfast. Evelyn told her friend Tina Young to tell stories of being in Autumn Leaf Army. “We just said,’Mooooove along!’ ” she said. All laughed. “Even June can get that one!!” Evelyn shouted, then applauded. Taylor raised an eyebrow. “What, June can’t often laugh at our jokes,” she told her, and she still looked confused, “She won’t get it.” They went and harvested again. “I never knew there was so much to harvest!” Taylor shouted while hauling a bunch of green beans (just like when she broke her leg) and flipped 🙁 as a gymnastics trick ): to prove she’s healed. “I told you that Curing Water works!” Lia shouted in pride. Evelyn was ahead. “You’re kidding,” she assumed, “she can’t be flipping and doing gymnastics the day after she broke her leg.” Taylor Cleon herself can defy that. “Oh, yes I can!” she shouted, pulling off an arial. At sunset, Taylor went to her place-the bridge. Lia came, so they can simply tell stories until bedtime. “I could’ve harvested green beans and went another way,” Taylor whispered, looking at her leg. Lia told her, “Taylor, it isn’t your fault,” she walked over towards the water, “it was only an accident. Blia saw that you were below, and tried not to jump, but Anna, who didn’t know, pushed Blia over. Anna was blindfolded.  It could’ve been prevented if Anna wasn’t blindfolded, so she could see pedestrians.” Taylor remembered it. Flashback: Stunt time! Stunt Day is awesome. Taylor has the green beans! She’s bringing them back to Spring Village from Autumn Village. TAYLOR! Whoa!!! Taylor shuddered. “That wasn’t a dream, I wondered when you told me the story,” she said.


The next day…

“Taylor! You get to go home tomorrow!!! Lia shouted. “Oh, phew,” Taylor said below. “That must’ve been a dream.” Lia said confusingly, “Are you going thru deja vu or you had a nightmare?” Taylor looked up, and shouted, “Had a nightmare that was similar to reality! Thought I was in Winter Village.” “Too brutal  for a Villager who lives on the Western Side,” she told

Taylor. She replied, “Oh, you think I don’t have endurance of Winter Village. True.” (Date: 6/6/18 when this happened.)  They had breakfast, and Life, Evelyn’s bunny friend came out with her son, the griffon-bunny that paused the last war before the huge invasion on Autumn Village, named Savior. “Life, it was him?!” Evelyn asked her pal. She squeaked, then Savior screeched. Two Fangcrawliuses (spiky snakes) froze in place. Evelyn chuckled. “Quite the War species, don’t you think?” she asked the others. Everyone said “Yea” at the same time, while Savior and Life nodded their heads. “When was Savior born?” Taylor asked Evelyn. The clouds responded, ” I was born right when the Autumn Villagers started firing dead Flowertraps.” Evelyn gasped. “Whoa! Did Savior make an echo to enforce his point?” “Oh yeah,” Taylor replied. Flashback: SCREECH! Enti Armada, griffon-bunny. We need you. Go do your thing. I can’t just  tell them to stop. The war is much worse. You need to show them you can do it, that they can do it, that the world was designed for peace. Find a gift to them to apologize, something they all like. Gather your enemy and tell them you’re sorry. I advise you, go make it better./ “Memories,” she whispered. “Why couldn’t we hear Savior the first time? ” Evelyn questioned Taylor. Taylor replied, “You were frozen, too busy fighting.  You always lose when violence is involved.” They harvested again…

“Evelyn, wake up,” Lia whispered, “Taylor’s gone.” Evelyn waked up in shock. “What?! Where do you think she could be?” she asked Lia. “Turns out I know exactly where she could be,” Lia whispered, “The river, sis.”  They went to the river and found Taylor there, crying. “I just want to go back home,” she told the sisters, “I’ve been here too long.” Lia sat down with Taylor and said, “You’ll be back home in… six hours. We already planned a raft ride on Guests Are Best. If you want time to pass until 5:00, you gotta fall asleep soon. If not now, never.”

The day of the ride…

“You ready, Taylor? Our raft ride is in an hour.” Lia asked Taylor. She came down, already in a clean Spring Village leaf dress, and her hair was clean as a whistle, too. Lia lowered an eyebrow and exclaimed, “Whoa! Is this what you always look like?” “Oh yes, it is,” she said with pride, “when I’m not harvesting.”

At the raft “Guests are Best”…

“Olivia is going to be so happy that I came home in 3 days instead of a month, like you told me Doc expected!” Taylor shouted. Her cast was off already. Lia beamed, and Evelyn shouted, “There’s Spring Village!” Everyone looked across and Taylor declared, “Land ho!” “I guess this is our good-bye,” Lia said. “It was nice to have you visit us.” “It felt nice to visit, but the reason felt cruel,” Taylor informed. “That’s pain.” Doc was on shore. Olivia was too, and the entire population of Spring Village. The villagers cheered when Taylor took her first step on Spring land since 3 days ago. “Taylor!” Olivia exclaimed when Taylor ran over. They hugged. “Quite short timing,” she asked. Taylor proudly exclaimed, “Curing Water. It really works.”


Taking Care of Life the Bunny

In a crash, Life ends up at Spring Village- a dilemma since Taylor couldn’t tell Evelyn at the time.

8:00 at night

“Life? Liife? Where are you, my sweet pet?” Evelyn called. “Not in Autumn Village. Look elsewhere.” Lia told her.

The middle of the night…

Squeeek! CRASH! Taylor awakens. “Huh?! Whoa the what the heck?” she shouts. She hops down the Royal Tree of Spring Village and finds-Life! “Aww, Life, you silly bunny. Why isn’t Savior or Evelyn with you?” Savior echoed something only audible in Spring Village: Life, my mother, crashed into a vulture and flew, landing here. You need to return her to Evelyn. You succeeded many times, so don’t disappoint me. “Life fell here?! You could’ve been killed in that fall, girl!” Taylor shouted. She’s my mother, I protect her at all costs. “I’ll try returning her to Evelyn,” she said, “but fliers take 6 hours to make.” Make a flier tomorrow, and why do you need it when you can walk thru? “The plains have been invaded,” Taylor reminded him, “it’s Leigh’s job to fight them off. I’ll take care of Life in the meantime.”


Morning time…   

/crafting/ “I’ll make this flier now, instead of later,” Taylor told Life. “You’re hungry?”  She feeds her. She paints it pink with nectar from a hibiscus-petunia, since pink, the national color of Spring Village, reminds visitors of the constant blooming. She adds sticks to it so it stands up. Good morning, Taylor. Have you been doing this for six hours? “No, Savior, two. Takes four hours to test it at the Flier Tree. It’s two hours away.  Two hour test ride. Evelyn is flying above, near the Royal Tree, and Taylor hides Life while Evelyn shouts, “Have you seen Life?” “Look in Summer Village, sorry!” Taylor lies. Evelyn turns and flies to Summer Village. “Phew, must get to the Flier Tree,” she declared, “I can walk there.”

At the Flier Tree…

“You want this flier checked out?” the Flier Tree’s owner asked. “Yes. Dilemma. Flying to Autumn Village.” she said. “Ok, then. Flier, fly this to the Royal Tree and back!” the owner shouts. “Restaurant that direction,” she said while pointing. “See u in two hours! ”

Two hours later…

“Your flier is airworthy.” the owner of Flier Tree exclaimed. “Good luck on that dilemma.” Taylor flew to the Royal Tree and whispered, “Just picking up Life then Ima get going!”  She spotted the Royal Tree, and turned. Just before she passed her home, she grabbed Life. Then she turned around, and headed for Autumn Village.

“Life, where’ve you been?” Evelyn cooed. “I missed you so much.” Savior smiled.


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