Christmas Miracle

Posted By Dagny on Dec 22, 2018 | 0 comments

Lily Jones could hardly wait for Christmas Eve. Being the party planner of the Jones family, she plans to make a huge party celebrating Christmas. Right now, she is playing soccer. Her team, the Eagles, are facing the Patriots. Jeffery Stoneman kicks the ball towards goal… “LILY!!!”Lily finds herself awake in the ER. “What happened?” She asks. “Lily? Do you remember your cousin, James?” Mom questions. “Why, of course,” Lily replies. “The conversation: ‘Hey, cousin! What’s your name?’ I ask. ‘James. What’s yours?’ James replies. ‘Lily Jones. Nice skateboard.’ I compliment. ‘Oh thank you! Your garden is finest.’ James compliments.'” Her mom listens to the video she took, when Lily met James last summer. “That’s… exactly what you said…” Mom exclaims. “No way can Lily remember what she said 26 months ago! She has a concussion. Lemme see that videotape…” Doc shouts. He listens to it and realizes- his patient’s mother was RIGHT! ” Oh my lord, (ty for the great day) what she said is what they said twenty six months ago.” he whispers. Lily shouts enthusiastically, “Miracles happen to those who believe in Christmas!

Turns out Lily’s mom had sued the school as well. The school where Lily and her little brother, Jays, went before the accident was Bright Frankly Academy, and WOW were they in for a surprise- they will go to James’ school! Called Walter Freedom University, it taught students Art, Science, Music, Math, Social Studies, Language Arts, Ichtheology, Algebra, and Literature. Lily is only in fourth grade, yet she will be taught in NINE classes! Her teachers are Miss Blina, Mrs. Meier, Ms. Plot, Mr. Theut, Miss Tabitha, Mrs. Izzi, Ms. Edgerton, Mr. Hubert, and Miss Waterman. Her home room is Miss Tabitha’s Fourth Grade Social Studies Class, Class 4D. 4D is a class of… well, lunatics. Lily never fit in, but her only friend is Evelyn Siona. Evelyn is the only other kind girl there, and she USED to go to Bright Frankly Academy, as well!!! A lunatic loves her: Henry Plepareeni. He sits with her and  Evelyn every day, even if Evelyn would smack him in the face and shout, ” Try as you must!” and Henry, being a wimp, runs away to tell whichever teacher is supervising at the time. “Evelyn, what brings you here?” Lily asks. “Remember Mr. Sheeks?” Evelyn asks Lily. “Oh yeah. He left. His last words at Bright Frankly Academy were, ” I hate this school! I hate all schools! I will destroy teachers!”” “Where’d you get your memory?” Evelyn asks, while Lily exclaims the exact words of Mr. Sheeks’ disappearance. “It’s what brings me here- I was hit by a ball in the Eagles v.s Patriots ball game. I woke in the ER with a concussion, but instead of having a horrible memory like most survivors have, I have 100./. memory!” She recalls. “Whoa- can you remember the last word before the K.O?” Evelyn asks, amazed. “Yup, it was ‘LILY!!!’. Taylor Shocks shouted it.” Lily remembers easily. “Oh, Taylor is a good friend yet overprotective.” Evelyn explains. Rumbling in the halls. “Wha…?” she asks Lily.”Oh, I know you from 1st grade!” Lily shouts, looking forward. “Wait… who is that guy?” Evelyn asks. “Mr. Sheeks never cut his mustache after he got fired. I saw him at the mall a week later and asked, “Why is your face so furry?” He said, “When I was fired I vowed never to cut my precious mustache. Curse Bright Frankly Academy!”” Mrs. Meier, her Science teacher (she has lunch during Science) was screaming at Mr. Sheeks and his ugly robot controlled by himself. He pressed a button and his robot FROZE Mrs. Meier! “No!” a few lunatics shout. “Alright, I’m going in!” Lily shouts, promising to sue him for destroying her school.” You know why I’m at the Patriots’ school, because the Eagles were careless!” Lily shouts. He froze her and threw her across the countryside.  “LILY!” Evelyn shouts. She is frozen too. Now it’s up to that Lily-loving-lunatic Henry. Or eight fourth grade teachers. That’s ought to work, Henry thought, then shouts, “How much money do you have?” Mr. Sheeks replies, “Twenty hundred bucks!” Lily unfroze and lassoes his robot to the point it’s master fell out, then threw him to court. “You owe Walter Freedom University 2000 bucks!” the lawyer shouts. “Curse all schools! “ Mr. Sheeks shouted when paying all his money.




During Christmas…

Never doubt that I won’t invite Taylor Shocks and Evelyn Stonemason to our Christmas party, Mom!

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