Spirit Star

Posted By Dagny on Dec 22, 2021 | 1 comment

This short story is a sort of a Mirage trilogy holiday special. It is not an official part of the Mirage trilogy, nor is it a part of any spinoffs that may be produced in the future. Whether or not you have read the trilogy, you can use this story to help [better] get to know the characters. Thanks! =)

December special–started 2021


The day was 18 Asterin.

The winter solstice.

Spirit Star.

The snow now was gently falling outside. Winter graced Tethoris with a frosty embrace not like that of a blizzard (or far worse than that) but of a comfortably snowy day. The Asterin decorations were already up for the past month–stars and small pyromancy lights. They were gentle yellowish flames rather than the typical reddish fires one would see from a mage.
As the sun rose, there had been a sense of festivity in the kingdom. The Saudade courtyard was well-decorated even in Princess Soraya’s terms, and it had taken the efforts of all three Tethorii royals to complete. In the night, there was going to be a large festival there that the entire kingdom was preparing for. King Gennady and Queen Seraphina were trying to make sure it was the best one yet.
As always, of course.

Princess Soraya now was focusing on ensuring the festival would be going smoothly throughout the day. Despite the festival actually starting at dusk, there were preparations occurring all throughout the day–it was only tradition.
Her parents were focused people, at all times. However, before this day they’d always taken time away from their work for other things.
Today? It looked like their focus could not be wavered.

She quickly focused on repairing one of the small macrame-esque crafts that was made earlier that month. The artisan who created it had given specific instruction on the craft’s reparation. It seemed to be a complex art, but so was faery magic, she reasoned, therefore it could be done.
Each thread was to be put together in a specific order. The bottom of the craft was strayed, and it had been since a week ago, but there was too much work to be done in other aspects of the festival to focus on one little macrame.

She listened to the conversations of her subjects, outside of the courtyard. The world was moving on, it seemed, as she was focused on one small thing to be done for the festival. The festival, each year, appeared to have to be perfect.

She knew some of her Asteriai friends could recommend Aurae who’d fix the item in an instant.
It was daytime, though, and she didn’t have the ability to change that. She knew Celeste would not be arriving at Saudade City for another six hours or so.
Therefore, she listened to what the city had to say. It was mostly uneventful, but some statements piqued her interest.

Most of the city was talking about the festival– “Have a joyful Spirit Star!”, “What are you doing for the festival tonight?”, “Did you hear about the mages’ plan for the event? I heard they were doing a lot of star magic today.”.

Other people were conversing in hushed voices about issues she knew she had to work on with her parents.

“I’ve heard Queen C(ae)lestis of Novelle Deira was going to abdicate…”
“Oh dear. That had already happened. Have you heard the new king really does not like Tethoris all that much?”

“Luma Reef got defeated in… was it Gantrick or Kestramore?”
“Gantrick. I’m not all that sure it’s permanent.”

“In four years or so, aren’t the faery rings going to reopen yet again?”
“Yet again?

She kept silent as she listened to them, speaking hurriedly, as everyone had something to do. The purple crystals that constructed the city, which all seemed so ancient–especially from knowing that they were built there when the kingdom was founded–all looked frostbitten. Looking around, historical facts and literature were flooding her mind. She had to focus, but she didn’t want to do macrame right at the moment, no matter how important. She wanted to read something, anything about one of her more favorite subjects of history. She could study the origins of Abingorese civilization… Archfey & Archnymphs… the origins of farming (she knew one particular Astaseul that could help) … the Separation War…
Her mind was interrupted when she heard a sharp and familiar voice rise over the rest of Saudade City.

Lysandra Creed?

She whipped around to notice the knightress walking through the crystal roads. Her new, silvery sword was on her back. She didn’t have her helmet on, but there was a strong possibility that she might not need anonymity in Saudade. She lived in the city, after all.

“Your Majesty! Princess Soraya!”

“Lysandra? What is the issue?”

“Oh!” Lysandra wiped sweat off her forehead when she heard the princess’ reply. “…It was a false alarm, was it not?”

“The commanders do love to prank people.”

“It wasn’t the commanders this time… It was Dellahne, ze said that the castle was being stormed by Unseelie…”

Dellahne loves to prank people.”

“I… probably should have kept that in mind before running here so fast… We were in Yesfir Forest, after all…”


Sometimes it took a moment for her to remember Lysandra’s inhuman endurance, but at that moment it took a solid two minutes for her to recall. If she can leisurely run from Phoenix Bay to Yesfir Forest without any sort of exhaustion…
Yesfir to Saudade, if she wasn’t going full speed, wouldn’t be much of a big deal.

Dellahne was next to appear, teleporting right beside the two.

“Oh my gosh! Lysandra! For the sake of Eve! That was a joke! I didn’t mean it!”

You said you… physically cannot lie!” Lysandra hollered.

“I wasn’t, actually! Look! Over there. That’s my archnemesis right there. You see them? Their name’s Zuly. They were trying to storm the castle. In all honesty, I was not blatantly lying, just taking advantage of language. I deceive people all the time, Lysandra. I quickly deceived Galatea once… It was actually quite difficult.”

Zuly, near the wall, turned around. Their deep purple wings buzzed, and rather than a fire or ice aura, the air started to feel more electric. Lysandra looked down to her full set of metallic armor in alarm.

Dellahne flew over to them, angry, to the point electricity and ice clashed in a way that made Soraya uncomfortable.

“You. Yea, you,” ze hissed, “leave or we banish you. Which do you choose, hmm?”

Zuly, never having gotten that sort of question before, teleported away instantaneously.

Dellahne turned around, zir aura turning warmer. “You just gotta present them with a weirder question every time. I learned that a month ago or so. I wish I used that against the Unseelie during your little journey, though. I think I would have prevented a lot.”

“You would have inadvertently prevented Soraya’s involvement.”

“Oh, that is a good point.”

All while the conversation occurred, Princess Soraya did not cease her work for even a second; occasionally pausing, however, to look down at the small letter the artisan had wrote the instructions. Like her parents, she was very focused. Unlike her parents, however, she was an excellent multitasker.

“Although,” asked Lysandra, “is everyone going to be at the festival tonight? All of the ten of us?”

“Yes,” replied Soraya, involuntarily almost, “however some of them might be late. I know Mayyira and Irene will not be, but the rest of them have other things to do as well today. This is one of the most important holidays of the year in Tethoris… They probably have their own traditions as well.”

“Even Galatea is going to be there tonight…?”

“She has expressed uncertainty about being among so many Kingdom Guardians.”

A silent nod from Lysandra. Considering the circumstances, yes, Galatea and the Kingdom Guarde in the same vicinity would be rather… awkward of a situation. This day was all about avoiding conflict while celebrating the galaxy’s flourishment.
The Spirit Star was the sun of the entire galaxy, you know.

This day was also known as the winter solstice.

As well as Princess Soraya’s birthday.

“Also, what are the mages going to be doing tonight? Celeste said she was excited for it, I just wanted to know.”

Princess Soraya smirked–the same way Dellahne always had before ze deceived someone.

“That’s a secret, Lysandra. You can’t know until it happens.”

“Well…” Lysandra chuckled, almost nervously. “Keep your secret then. I’m sure it will be great when it’s done.”

Dellahne looked to Soraya with a glance of confusion, albeit a sort of pride. The secretive nature you portrayed then, ze thought, despite its reputation for being inherently detrimental, may help you critically in the future. Only if used correctly.

The use of caution was a noble thing among the Fae.

Nonetheless, the preparations continued to commence.

1 Comment

  1. This is similar to the holiday projects, but instead specials will always be published the day after the holiday is supposed to occur in Earth calendars. For example, Spirit Star on Earth calendars would be our winter solstice, December 21.

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