Bugs and Glitches?

Posted By Dagny on Nov 16, 2023 | 5 comments

This may be important information, especially if you’ve encountered any of these glitches here before.

(May also be a notice to Dad.)

I’ve noticed a few glitches and bugs on here, but I haven’t figured most out yet; I shall be soon! =P
Here’s what I’ve seen thus far:

  • Some characters on older posts are replaced with random accented letters and currency signs. This is a system glitch that I unfortunately can only solve by going in and fixing all of it manually. Let me know if you spot any of these, and I’ll fix them! (You can use the comments of this post for this.)
  • Sometimes on specific platforms (i.e Chromebooks), typing in the URL will instead result in an “invalid” notification. I’ve already Googled the cause of this; it’s apparently across WordPress. If this happens to you, just try again later or switch devices if you can. =’)

If you find any other glitches/bugs you’re curious about, please let me (and Dad) know in the comments of this post!


  1. I’m gonna use this “conversation” (or what’s it called) specifically for discussions on posts with the glitched characters bug elaborated upon above. Just name a post and I’ll go in and fix it! =P

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    • Though I have noticed the entire Spanish category is likely heavily glitched like that. 0_0

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      • Speaking of– I do apologize for how indecipherable the Spanish category currently looks due to this glitch! I promise I will try to go in and fix what I can (including specifically the accented letters/letters with tildes) so that Spanish-speaking readers can actually read what’s on there. =’D

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    • I’ve also noticed that some of the posts I wrote, especially earlier and in the informational categories, have random question marks where question marks *previously were not there*.
      Please ignore those, and I’ll go back to fix them. =P
      ??? /j

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  2. Though this is a much more blatantly admin notice to Dad: I was working on a recent draft called Viridian Queen for the past couple days, started it on Monday. I tried to edit it tonight (Wednesday Jul. 17), and WordPress told me it was deleted?! It was 823 words now just lost in the void. I’m a bit frustrated. =/

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