Alihairis | Dappled Aerie & Glade of a Winter’s Moon

Posted By Dagny on Dec 4, 2023 | 1 comment

This is a worldbuilding accompaniment for the stories Dappled Aerie and Glade of a Winter’s Moon, both of which are December exclusive holiday tales unique to Dagny Peach Writing.

Alihairis (demonym: Alihairian)
The kingdom of Alihairis is a vast expanse of forested highlands and fjords, with mountains around its northern coastal borders and a calm meadow near the center of the landmass. There are a total of nine villages, save the capital city; Rauheroia makes for a tenth settlement in Alihairis.

  • Rauheroia Stronghold, Alihairis: Rauheroia is a sprawling, fortified stronghold-city in the central meadow of Alihairis, the entire stronghold protected on all sides by a wall of iron and stone. This wall has four gates which lead into the city– a North, South, East, and West Gate. Out of all of these, it is the west gate that leads to the castle the fastest; the ‘Castle Road’ that it leads to also branches out to the rest of the city. Rauheroia also hosts a college: Empyrean University of Rauheroia Stronghold (EUoRS or simply ES). The Alihairian monarchy, in the present day, consists of two queens, Queen Venhulia and Queen Melinoe. (Queen Melinoe is the ‘incumbent monarch’, or the monarch that was born into the role.) Beyond the university and castle, Rauheroia boasts stunning architecture dating back to the era in which Alihairis was founded, as well as the kingdom’s army’s main headquarters. Rauheroia is known for scholars, soldiers, artisans, and, of course, nobility.
  • Osalhia Crossing, Alihairis: In the midst of the Borealis Glade to the north of the kingdom lies the humble hamlet of Osalhia Crossing, from which Lysaphia, Serhius, and Aniaria are from. It’s generally overlooked by villagers from the other settlements in Alihairis, with the exception of desperate travelers seeking refuge from the frequent blizzards and storms that plague the glade. It was originally founded as a camp, and then was built up into a subsistence village, with small agricultural fields and a singular ranch. While the village nowadays seems insignificant, the very essence of the hamlet gives locals and travelers alike the impression that it was once something more…
  • Zephaira Harbor, Alihairis: This flourishing port village on the mountainous, northeastern coast is best known for supplying the entirety of the kingdom with gemstones, fish, seafood, and some quite valuable oceanographic lore. Most Zephairans have seen quite a few foreign ships at their (natural!) harbor, as well as famous fishers, visits from the queens of the kingdom, and even pirates? While acts and reports of piracy (the literal definition) are much rarer than in some other famous coastal villages and cities, they’re still very much present; quite a few Zephairan Alihairians practice martial training in the event they ought to fight them off.


1 Comment

  1. As of December 4, 2023, this isn’t quite done yet, but has as much information as Dappled Aerie and Glade of a Winter’s Moon have thus far!
    As I write the upcoming Glade of a Winter’s Moon (which gives a LOTTTT more context to what happens in Dappled Aerie), I’ll update this accompaniment as well! =)

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