OPERATION EXPLANATION-A Cliffhanger Has Occurred!!!

Posted By Dagny on Dec 1, 2020 | 5 comments

I can’t believe they finished like that!


Operation Explanation is a category that summons cliffhangers that readers themselves can solve with a few theories. You’re all here to answer the same question–what just happened here!? 

This post has one purpose–to serve as a general headquarters for most of these theories.

Oh and yes… one or two will be confirmed. 

Although you won’t know which. *attempts evil laughing, just sounds strange*

BEQUEATH your theories to the comments below!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Basically, this is an author’s exercise as well as a reader’s. You can theorize (and get confirmed) on what happened, and I can practice cliffhanger stories.

    Cliffhangers are these stories that don’t end in happy or sad endings; in fact, you don’t know what happens! Someone says something suspicious, infuriating, or purely frightening, or does something among those lines, then there is complete SILENCE… the story has ended. *These theories cannot include inappropriate content, spamming, or deaths of characters (no deaths of characters because I never do that to my characters!!!).*

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    • For example. DON’T COPY MY EXAMPLE:

      “‘Where did the beacon go?’ she asked, rubbing her eyebrow with confusion.
      He looked her dead in the eye; hesitated.
      ‘It didn’t.’

      ——-The End, The Story Has Ended.——–“

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    • Does not have to be suspicious, infuriating, or frightening. Sometimes it can be shocking. Like in Kneeolithic: “…Mom?”
      And it doesn’t even have to be dialogue, like in Eupho—–maybe I shouldn’t spoil that one, it’s at the end of the book!!!

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      • The Kneeolithic one (that’s a graphic novel series by yours truly, by the way) is not at the end of the book, it’s at the beginning of a 9 page break in the middle of the book

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        • Also, you can suggest epic cliffhangers yourselves; I’ll see what I can do!

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