
Any questions or concerns about the website itself… not relating to stories, ok?

Bugs and Glitches?

Posted By on Nov 16, 2023

This may be important information, especially if you’ve encountered any of these glitches here before.

(May also be a notice to Dad.)

I’ve noticed a few glitches and bugs on here, but I haven’t figured most out yet; I shall be soon! =P
Here’s what I’ve seen thus far:

  • Some characters on older posts are replaced with random accented letters and currency signs. This is a system glitch that I unfortunately can only solve by going in and fixing all of it manually. Let me know if you spot any of these, and I’ll fix them! (You can use the comments of this post for this.)
  • Sometimes on specific platforms (i.e Chromebooks), typing in the URL will instead result in an “invalid” notification. I’ve already Googled the cause of this; it’s apparently across WordPress. If this happens to you, just try again later or switch devices if you can. =’)

If you find any other glitches/bugs you’re curious about, please let me (and Dad) know in the comments of this post!

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Posted By on Dec 1, 2020

Do you have a suggestion for a plot that you’d like to see? You can add it in the comments below and we’ll see what we can do! =)

We love to hear from you! =))

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Covering the Future #2

Covering the Future #2

Posted By on Sep 24, 2020

*To keep you posted on the remake that I have decided to create, the Prophecy of Thought series, and DP StudiosM, keep an eye on the first Covering the Future.*

I have released the majority of the stories planned for the first Covering the Future issue, and am glad to say they have been awesome. However, the Euphoria Wind remake has been postponed, the Prophecy of Thought series has been brought to this issue, and DP StudiosM will take a *very* long time. Although, the stories that will come soon are the following:

Isles of the Moon: Soon a new story comes to town underneath the tag “First Time?” and the category “Fiction”. Featuring eight friends from a town shrouded in eternal night against four antagonists that use the darkness as refuge, Isles of the Moon is ensured to be exciting-it’s taken a while to plan and I’m looking forward to publishing it.

Division: A Seasonal Tale Rewrite: Outgrowing the normal Division ways, this rewrite will shine an entirely new light on the Division series. Bringing on the same events from a brand new perspective as well as the perspectives of Olivia, Blia, Alli, and Evelyn once more. Rewrites are always good, when there’s a good plot.

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Posted By on Aug 29, 2020

Any questions can be asked in the Comment section of this post. I will gladly answer them, and if I can’t, I will contact “Dad” about them! I will eventually build an FAQ; don’t try to ask a question that somebody already asked on purpose though.

*Only Keep Your Questions On The Comments Of This Post.*

As to not have too many questions on the posts of actual stories, unless they are questions relating to the story, please keep your question comments here. If they are related to a story or series, don’t ask them here. Be proud to ask them on the comments of the story itself!

Ask your questions that are not related to ANY stories here on the comments below!

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