Dagny Peach Writing

Original Stories and Random Thoughts

“Stunt time!” Blia shouted as she climbed up the Spring Village Tree. “Stunt Day is awesome.” She got ready to jump, then Olivia ran over and said: “Taylor has the green beans! She’s bringing them back to Spring Village from Autumn Village.” Blia  turned her head in the direction, and saw a dilemma.  Taylor was coming. Anna, who was behind her, blindfolded, pushed Blia over. “TAYLOR!” Olivia shouted! “Whoa!!!”

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For the next three  seasons, there will be a Village Perspective being posted on the same story-Division-A Seasonal Tale. Then the actual, third-person story of the Tale will come out. Also, after every perspective was posted, there will be a new Post called “Division: The Remix”. I will write some new Informational stories too! In the  Autumn’s perspective of Division, Evelyn Liona describes her terrifying experience during the last Seasonal War. During the Winter’s Perspective, Alli Armada will talk about her version of the event. In the Spring’s Perspective, newbie fighter for the Spring Village’s Army Olivia Cleon will inform all about how the event went for her, and how she and her sister/Spring Village leader Taylor Cleon can improve the Group Of Villages from this. In Summer Village’s perspective, Blia Baptize exclaims the event in her own way, including how fun it was to attack an Autumn Villager-Evelyn. That’s what’s Coming Soon.

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We didn’t get along with the Summer village, but we did get along with the Spring Village. Our part of the land’s leaves were always red, gold, yellow,  or brown. We usually get moderate weather with few cold fronts.  The Winter Village had holidays as well as us. We never shared the year, and once every four years, its autumn. Lia, our leader and my sister, never understood the Division. She thinks the world has fallen apart. I am Evelyn, a young leader-smart girl who lives in the Autumn village. “Ms. Liona,” the servant would screech, when Winter Village was at war, “you need to help Ms. Armada.” Lia would automatically respond ” I don’t war with Taylor. Leigh does. I war with June, which is common among Leigh Armada.” My friend Tina preferred to fight for the Autumn Leaf Army (fighting for Autumn Village). It was a Summer Year, when the fighting stopped. June came out with the Summer Sun Army to fight. She threw a spear at the No Man’s Land between my village and Winter Village. That’s how she signals that the Summer Year started. Leigh hates Summer Years, so she came out to war the Summer Sun Army. ” You warm- loving freaks,” she would always say, and June would throw something at her. Then June uses all her sun-lover powers to warm up No Man’s Land. That day was different. Instead of throwing, she went and TACKLED Leigh. The 240 who usually war with each other came out, watching the wrestling match. I remember Taylor shouting, “That is insane, even for June!” Lia shouted back, “I know right?!” I just hugged my bunny friend, wishing things would get better. Tina came out, shouting something to me. I looked behind myself, and I saw the craziest thing I saw in my life.

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Meet Our Characters! (Interview)

Meet Our Characters! (Interview)

Posted By on Nov 10, 2018

Dagny: Hey people! This is an interview on the characters of the past few Fiction stories!!! I’ve come all the way to Bad Forest to do this!!! /pants/ I do not understand why Star made me do this. Star: No! Not gold! Think through your heart! I should’ve just given her a paper to read from. Sigh. Dagny: In my interviewing beeswax, we just talk. Star, I’m not acting. Savage:  What the stinking heck did you do to my home?! Dagny: Star, Star, Star. She did all this, thinking it was gonna have to be “perfectedly perfect.” She acts like the boss. She even told my brother insults in THE 5TH DIMENSION! Audience: GASP!!! Alan; Thought it was Dagny!!! Dagny: Donut know how you’ll think it was me. /laughs/ “See what I did there?” Your show, Alan, your show. Alan: Don’t freak me out, freak. Audience: Insult Wear! Insult Wear!!! Dagny: /rhymes along/ Mop hair! Mop hair!  Audience: ROASTED!!! Dagny: No, no, no, there is hair on the floor. I told the janitor, Ginger, to “mop hair”. Anyway, LETS GET IT STARTED!!!

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Being here for less than a month has got me confused at a few things. First of all building this website is extremely confusing, sometimes frustrating. Sometimes you just say the wrong thing and end up getting some weird comments. {That never happened, as I said. I’m still new.} Or you just CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING!! Happens to us all!! Happened to me, might have happened to you, they call it “writer’s block.” Nobody is safe from it… unless they do not write. Or type. That. Is. Weird. Or you are just plain LAZY. I am not lazy, I make books, and comics, so I write and draw for from as little as eight pages to up to a whole school journal! That’s my “Random Thought” today, people, I am the storyteller on Dagny Peach Writing, or a.k.a. Dagny Writes. BYE.

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A Day in the Life: Elena

A Day in the Life: Elena

Posted By on Sep 16, 2018

Yawn. Why do I have chickens around me? Oh, right, at night, I smell like chicken feed. Forgot to introduce myself. I’m Elena the skunk. Yesterday was pretty savage. Why, you ask? Why, yesterday, my battle buddy Savage befriended an eagle (his name is Herman now) and we got teleported to the Forbidden Fires and we killed a Forbidden Spiker which I accidentally spawned. Also, we destroyed Von Scott, an evil freak! 

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A Day in the Life: Savage

A Day in the Life: Savage

Posted By on Sep 15, 2018

The sun arose from the trees. Savage was ready. She was ready to hunt for food, like animals do. Her name is SAVAGE, by the way! After scavenging in the forest, (she is vegan), she finally found some blueberries. She also found a town, so she climbed a tall elk tree and spied on them. She felt like she was being watched, too.

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Posted By on Sep 15, 2018

Welcome to Dagny Peach Writing, A.K.A. Dagny Writes! It is here that I will publish articles, both fictional and informational, for the first time, and I’m proud to share them!

Will be glad to reply to you in the comments of the articles if you have anything to say as well! =)

Also, keep an eye on the Informational category for news! I bring news


— Dagny

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